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The name okno comes from a lecture on word by Vasili Kamensky, a Russian futurist poet. The word okno (window) = O+K+N+O = space and matter (glass and wood + boundary of night + air = okno). 

The letter O is a wheel of space [koleso prostora], vozdukh, nebo, vysoko.
The letter K gives a word hard-cold-sharp materiality: koren, klinok, kamen, kirka, kost, suk, kovka, kol, kisten.
The letter N is mystically: nekto, nevedomy, noch, nachalo, kanun --- negation: net, ne, nikogda, nemoy.
The letter O is a wheel of space [koleso prostora], vozdukh, nebo, vysoko.


Having failed as a novelist, Kamensky [1884-1961] turned to aviation [giving it up after surviving a crash], and his fame as a pilot lent a certain dignity to the Russian vanguard activities in which he participated --- often appearing with an airplane painted on his forehead.
Like Kruchenykh and Khlebnikov, Kamensky was a member of the Hylaea group. His special contribution was the production of 'ferroconcrete' or visually schematized poems, sharing some affinity with the calligrams of Apollinaire and the words-in-freedom of Marinetti.

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